Located in the heart of historic Florence, Arizona, Casa de Baca Studios specializes in capturing a part of the landscape and memories for your home and business.
Frame Styles
Distressed White
Distressed Black

Meet the Photographers
Janell Evelyn & Michael Joseph Baca
Michael was born & raised in Arizona and has been involved with photography since high school. He has done portraits and art professionally since about 2013.
Janell was born & raised in Wisconsin, but has made Arizona her home since 2004. She has been interested in photography since she was about 15 years old. She started her professional career in 2018.
Our gallery has been featured in Arizona Highways Television! Watch the episode below:

2023 East Valley Favorites: Best Art Gallery
2022 East Valley Favorites: Best Photographer & Best Art Gallery
Have questions? Send us a request! (Please include the image number in your request, if applicable.)
315 N Main St., Florence, AZ | 520-233-1981
Gallery hours: Tuesday through Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm ( Oct-Apr, 3rd Fridays until 8:00pm)
Portrait sessions by appointment (Tuesday through Sunday).